The gent was of Indian decent (that being from India though I suppose it doesn’t really matter) and apparently decided not to have anything done to his car that was recommended (things they say he needed done to be safe…like breaks). It was a pain just to get the cops out to the scene of this most tragic crime! The dispatcher claims its private property (though the cops apparently come out and ticket people all the time so what’s the difference with an accident?!). Daniel (being an employee) convinced the dispatcher to send an officer out. Granted all the guy did was take down the man’s information and then was on his way.
I took a few images while loosing my appetite. Both before she was touched (after having been damaged) and after she was picked up. I got the concrete curb where my paint shall remain; never to be back on Saoirses’ beautiful body again!

Sigh. If that man hadn’t said he was sorry I’m not sure what I would have done. Probably nothing reckless or violent to him but I would have been very irate once the sadness wore off. To which it did rather quickly!
At the moment Saoirse has some nasty road rash all down her right side, her front ‘tire guard’ is all banged up, the oil pan (at least the block were the oil is put and from where it’s level is checked) has some pretty nice scars, and the tail pipe is no longer pristine. That’s just some of the superficial damage not even including the blinkers, mirrors, and all my petals and handles. Or even the internal damages to which I know there is something. For one after she was set up right she started to bleed. Jeff nor Daniel could determine where she was leaking from exactly, just that the oil was dripping onto the left side tail pipe and then the ground. It’s possibly just an overflow draining after the tip caused oil to go everywhere throughout her systems!
For another after Daniel attempted to start her she idled a little off with some stuttering in her tail pipes (I couldn’t have placed the difference but he knows his vehicles). When I took her for a wee spin around the lot she sounded like shit. She didn’t want to rev high enough to really shift; all sluggish like!
Once Daniel went back into work I moved everything to a quite little cubby and began the long process of calling insurance companies. I began with mine (being as I’ve never had this happen before I had no idea what to do and my rep wasn’t in so I wasted a bit of time with my insurance) then they gave me his insurances phone number. So I called them and got my incident number. Now I got to wait till Monday, call my rep so he knows and wait for his to call me back.
After all that shiz I rode her home and found that she doesn’t like to lean anymore (makes a strange noise when I do… kind of scary when you’re truckin’ down the road and your bike starts making noises!) On the way another gent (also of Indian decent) bloody pulled out in front of me. Thanks the gods my breaks were working just fine or I would have T-boned the arsewipe. Actually used my horn for I think the first time ever when in crisis mode and all the gent did was look at me like I was some bug on his windshield! Grr! I’m not particularly a races person but if people of this race keep messin’ with me like this I might just convert!
I got her home virtually safely and took a lot more pictures of all her battle wounds (she was virtually attacked in her sleep! Raped I tell you!) and called a friend to tell the bad news. She was like “OMG!” Which I must say cheered me up a bit.
For another after Daniel attempted to start her she idled a little off with some stuttering in her tail pipes (I couldn’t have placed the difference but he knows his vehicles). When I took her for a wee spin around the lot she sounded like shit. She didn’t want to rev high enough to really shift; all sluggish like!
Once Daniel went back into work I moved everything to a quite little cubby and began the long process of calling insurance companies. I began with mine (being as I’ve never had this happen before I had no idea what to do and my rep wasn’t in so I wasted a bit of time with my insurance) then they gave me his insurances phone number. So I called them and got my incident number. Now I got to wait till Monday, call my rep so he knows and wait for his to call me back.
After all that shiz I rode her home and found that she doesn’t like to lean anymore (makes a strange noise when I do… kind of scary when you’re truckin’ down the road and your bike starts making noises!) On the way another gent (also of Indian decent) bloody pulled out in front of me. Thanks the gods my breaks were working just fine or I would have T-boned the arsewipe. Actually used my horn for I think the first time ever when in crisis mode and all the gent did was look at me like I was some bug on his windshield! Grr! I’m not particularly a races person but if people of this race keep messin’ with me like this I might just convert!
I got her home virtually safely and took a lot more pictures of all her battle wounds (she was virtually attacked in her sleep! Raped I tell you!) and called a friend to tell the bad news. She was like “OMG!” Which I must say cheered me up a bit.