Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Right to Bare Arms!

This guns rights issue seems to be another big one that will actually effect my everyday life so I'm just going to drop my opinion off in here somewhere. But from which angle? You've got people who swear by the words of men centuries dead that knew nothing of today's America ...
Protests in Denver against President Obama's proposed gun control laws indicate growing widespread resistance to restrictions on the Second Amendment.
and then you got people who think they can actually control others.
Congressional Backing Grows for Gun Control Debate
Both of these are a bit extreme even for me. Personally, I want the right to protect my damn self. I don't trust no one else to keep me safe they've done a shotty job of it so far and I don't feel that this will be any better. So let's see.
I own and carry my own gun around and some Jack comes around thinking he can just take what he wants from me I can protect myself. The government's opinion of this is that I should let this man do what he wants and they'll then track him down after the incident and slap his hand ... if they can even find him... if they even BELIEVE me! So tell me who do you stand with?
Another sitch. I'm at home with my gun safely beside my bed on a night stand because I have no small children with more curiosity then brains and another Jack beaks in to once again take what he wants from me. The government would have me hide and call them, hoping that Jack doesn't find/hear me then kill me. They have a high opinion that they can get to me in plenty of time to catch Jack before he does any harm. My opinion is to cock my shot gun within hearing range of the miscreant and loudly let him know that it's loaded and the cops know he's there and that I WILL protect mine! So tell me which would you prefer?
We can control our own destiny and sadly we more than not give that control away. We're taking that control away from our children and their children. If we let the government take our guns what's to really stop Jack from taking everything he wants? Sure they might catch him in the end but will that make everything all better. Will that mend your sense of security that was taken when he broke into your homes? Will it mend the dead he left behind? Will it bring peace to the girls/boys he's hurt? There are some sick people out there who don't give a damn about the laws. What makes people think they'll stop just because the government says he can't have a gun no more?
Gun Rallies NY

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I' ve been working on this gorgeous hooded cowl by frenchgirlknits for sometime now. My first problem I'm loath to admit was reading the chart wrong. That fixed I got stuck on the instructions for how the cabling attaches to the rest. I asked the creator and haven't come up with any answers. So I placed it in my stash until I finished all my commissions, and the holiday madness.

Now it's the new year I'm done currently with commissions and would like to finish this project.


pretty much modify every pattern I get my paws on and it will seem that the Morgainé is no exception. However, this time I'll document the journy so that the next person with my problem can hopefully find help here in!

So my journy begins...
Mobile upload! Cabling.