Monday, September 17, 2018

Now that I have a child I find it hard to combat my depression. I can no longer just go out and run or hike. At least not in the places I would normally go. I think the main issue is that things keep piling up. House work, gardening, lack of job (thus income) and trying to start a business. It's a huge challenge.

I try to knock out the small stuff and pick at the larger things as I can. However, Aidan won't let me do much while he's awake. If I'm in the kitchen he must be held and "in" whatever I am working on. If I'm sitting (key is sitting) in the living room he'll play with his toys and books. This does allow me to work on sewing projects like mending or his Halloween costume. I use this time to knit and plan the garden. Make lists of tasks I would like to get done that day (almost pointless). I am not, however, permitted to work on any device. If it's out he must play with it!

I usually choose a small project that I can carry and work on so that I can follow him around the lower levels as he plays!

Poor Dan is doing almost everything around this house by himself. It makes me feel so worthless, which is just adding to my depression. It's frustrating for both of us! So at nap times I try to get larger projects done. Moving dirt, mowing the yard, pulling weeds. The outside was mine to start with so it's only fair I maintain it.

Then keeping up with feeding 2 boys! I might as well count myself in the category of eating us out of house!!! I'm always hungry!!!

Site Map

Raised bed layout

Nap time

Dried tomatoes

Monday, September 10, 2018

Aidan ended up with 2 birthday parties. We hadn't planned any. Just to have a quiet family day with a cake Dan made for him. My dad and Dan's mom thought it should be otherwise and chose that day to come over. Aidan's uncle, aunt and cousins came up from South Ohio as well.

A full house. We clearly need more in the way of dinner sets! We resorted to paper plates for cake. Yuck!

Then Tuesday we drove up North for some fun. Took Aidan to explore the lake shore and eat good Erie Perch! Even after getting shots he had a fun busy day.

Tuesday night we stayed with Dan's dad and spent a lazy day Wednesday till the great grandparents came over for a grill out....only to have it turn into another party. Too bad Aidan isn't old enough to remember all this action!

Yesterday during a lapse in the rain I planted a bunch of tiny garlic cloves. Crossing my fingers they take. The peach guild garlic sprouted, got nibbled then died back. I hope they come back next spring. We'll see.

Today has been a lazy one. Aidan once again refuses to nap more then 15min (or less) so I got Dan to mind him while I blanched and diced the tomatoes. Then ground some coffee beans while Dan organized the garage for the dehydrator.