Thursday, March 21, 2019

I finished my sweater this morning. Kansas Woman's Sweater by DMC. I have determined that I am smaller then the average American woman. A lot smaller. This sweater is literally falling off me. Disappointing.

I'll have to keep that in mind when I design sweaters for other people.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Crush it!

3 rules:
Love your family.
Work super hard.
Live your passion.

So I have the 1st rule down. I left CML after over 15 years (not that I had a choice) to take care of my family. I freelance around my good wife life!

It's hard. Money is tight but it's manageable and I love taking care of my family. I'm finding ways to make it more streamlined and .... well easier.

Rule 2. I think I have that covered too. At least it goes hand in hand with loving my family! In my humble opinion.

Rule 3. Working on that. The stress of money does get in the way at times but I'm actively working on taking things 1 at a time. Working on 1 project a day. Follow my Instagram @patientfarmer for more active details!

I haven't gotten very far in the book, at bit of backstory to fill some pages.....I'm sure there's a point. For all I write like that I don't read very much of it....

It has convinced me to keep up with my check that out on YouTube! Patient Farmer is my tag there as well. It's like the life on an urban homestead!