Going through a Wendy's drive through last summer I saw the prettiest red stripped lilies. Driving down a side street I saw another lovely lily with rich colors. I told myself that when they seed I'm snagging me some babies. When I noticed my tigers' seed pouch dry I made an effort to go fetch those I saw.
Unfortunately Wendy's gardeners hacked and buried their beds so I couldn't nab any pouches that might have grown. However, luck was with me when I went down the industrial side street. The city hadn't done anything to their beds so I parked my car in a business parking (ironically the same place I saw Saiorse for the first time) and walked to the median on the middle of the road. There were a few pouches: all of them split open already and some having already spilled their content.
I did manage to harvest a goodly amount and this spring planted them all inside. 2 seeds per egg crate. It took 14 days from planting till I noticed the first sprout. Some of the seeds didn't grow and in a few of the egg pockets I had to pinch the second one ( I just pulled it from the wet dirt and transplanted into a big pot.).
Besides the lilies I started Tomatoes, Butternut Squash, apples, white nectarines, and peaches. All harvested locally (gods only know where the lilies came from originally) last year. I'm excited to see how the peaches do. They germinated in the refrigerator (the white nectarine I planted last fall outside): one I planted and the others I recently put in peat moss. Wish me luck! Of the squash only one sprouted ( of the ones I kept. The ones I gave a co-worker all grew. T.T) and all my tomatoes sprouted. In fact they need to be put in the ground ASAP. They have no root room.
I'm giving all but one tomato away since I've no room to plant. It's sad really! I love growing things I just happen to live in an apartment with a growing space of about 3ft squared. It already has mint which has a divine aroma and of course my white nectarine. To boot the gardeners/landscapers can't seem to trim the busted without hacking at my plants as well. They did a fair job with the mulch this spring though. I don't really mind them covering my plants in the fall I'd just like to trim them first!
Actually, all my seedlings are going to other people save one tomato and maybe a few lilies. My sister already got two tomatoes and might get some lilies if she wants them. I'm going to grow some cantaloupe and squash for her as well as onion and garlic which only need to be put into their final growing place. Oh and blueberries if they sprout! I just planted them a few days ago.
The other tomatoes are going to a co-worker and either my mother or Daniel's mother or both. Daniel's mother already want the squash that grew so I imagine the tomato as well.
A recent addition to my garden will be a Romanian tomato to go with the beef stake and a hanging basket of strawberries if I can get them to grow. I'm also going to work on blackberries and anything else I can get my paws on really. :3
I wonder if my sister will let me design a proper garden for her? She does love the while organic, locally grown ideals!
Well that's the end of my rants for today! Hope you enjoyed!