To start with I've designed something new. Unfortunately I don't have any photographs to show off of this little jewel but they will come fear not. I guess I'd better explain what it is. In short: Rhythm beads! To elaborate on this concept I'm told they are a Native American thing for horses. They have many effects on our equine brethren: calming and scaring away predators being the best in my opinion. I will be trying them out shortly with Trouper to see if it helps calm him on the trail [what with him becoming a scardy cat in his advanced years!] and possibly help us keep a rhythm out there as well [that being another of their effects]. Being me I've made them with hemp so they have a very rustic feel and what do you know ... I made myself one as well! I can't wait to photograph them! I know Trouper will love them because when I go to the barn with keys or anything really that makes a noise he's all over it! :3
For the most part I'm advertising them as Rhythm beads but I'm thinking of making a few of varying lengths as accessories for phones and zippers and what nots. Little girls will love them I'm sure [I mean really ... I love them].
So that is my most resent accomplishment, the other being that I got a promotion at work. Yay! I've also created a simple flyer for a free photoshoot! I'm wanting to work on strengthening my portfolio and skills! So FREE it is! I mean really what if they suck? I would feel like poo if I charged a customer for a shoot that they didn't want any of the photos out of. I will however need to find a place to post the images for the customers to browse in case they wish to purchase them. My blog not being the best place I'm sure.
I also just completed a pen and ink of a small church in Virginia that my uncle attends. That was a fun experiance seeing as it was my first pen and ink. Now I'm going to print a copy, if they like it, and do an ink wash on it.