He loved the attention and access to the yards grass which is always greener from his side of the pasture I'm sure! However by the end the flies and nats were making a very grumpy horse out of him (he tried to kick me ... can you believe that! O.o) so I sprayed him down most thoroughly with spray and let him back in the paddock to run around.
So back to the beginning: This morning after I finished some collages and a postcard design for a church I got board and made some more with my mass collection of beads. I was determined that Trouper (being a gelding and thus male) wouldn't be forced to wear the pink beaded bells. Then Daniel's like don't you say a real man can wear pink and I'm like oui! So Troupers wearing pink ... shh he actually looks good in it! I also have a yellow saddle dangle which stands out very nicely however it doesn't match any of Troupers tack ... 'sept maybe the saddle. After making the yellow one I realized that I don't have enough beads to make a second one or even a mane dangle so I decided I needed to go shopping!
On to other crafts! I drew a logo for a friend/co-worker of my sisters. She's a local photographer around these parts. Her business name is Buckeyekiddies and I'm sure you can guess by now that I drew a buckeye for her. She didn't want it colored or very detailed so it was quite easy yet fun never the less. I love an excuse to draw thus I took on the challenge of pen and inking a historical church in my uncles home town. Once it's approved and printed I'll post what it looks like.