I finally got my new Weldon's Practical Knitter pattern in the mail. A little disappointed in IvaRose but at least I can understand the writing style from the original publication since all she did was copy the pages and reprint them.

My assumption from the photo was slightly incorrect. It's not a Norwegian fur pattern but some sort of coral according to the text but I was correct about the weight. The pattern I'm excited about is the Lady's Hug-me-tight. Originally it was a friend who liked the pattern though the more we searched for it online and in the Weldon's reprinted articles the more I as well began to like it. I plan to knit two. One in a gray for said friend and one in wine for myself.
I'm working hard on a pair of lace gloves for Daniel's grandmother. I hope she likes them. When I began I so didn't think I'd ever want to make a second pair. The itty bitty needles hurt my fingers and the cotton thread was so slippery, but now that I've got the second glove just about complete I'm changing my mind and thinking of making a pair for myself. They would be awesome with my Rendezvous ensemble.
I've also completed a new hat and a headband for this arctic weather Ohio's been having of late!
City Stocking Cap |
Church Gloves |
Horseshoe Cable Headband |