It's finally complete!
This lovely baby/lap blanket is modeled after the Irish flag and measures about 30"x36". As for the photography: that needs a wee bit more work. Ryan seemed to have known that I needed him for a 'photo shoot' because he actually took a nap for me! :3
Granted it took a car ride to knock him out. I actually thought he was still awake until I opened his door to get him out. It's funny but he didn't even wake up for all my struggles getting him unstrapped and out of the car then trying to get Mallory to come inside when she really didn't want to. She was having such fun playing in the rain: stomping in the puddles! Then laying him down in the crib: this is were he would normally wake up but luck was with me and he stayed out. Didn't even flinch when the shutter went off.

I tried for some artistic shots but without better light of a flash it just wasn't happening. I was very lucky to get what I got.
The blanket even grew on my sister. Initially she didn't like the transition between colors and how it made the purl stitch look funky but after it was all done and washed she's like "I like". Everyone who sees it likes it so I'm very happy about that. If it wasn't already sold I'd keep it!
Now I'm creating a fly veil for my horse. He'll look smashing in it when we go riding this summer. That is IF we go riding this summer. He would have to listen to and trust me for that to work out. Then you have the issue with his hock. (That's the joint on his back leg... the nobblie one) He's missing a lot of fur and his skin looks to be turning black along the edges. I'm a wee bit worried about it. Though Trouper doesn't seem to care at all. Touching it doesn't hurt him and it doesn't look angry or anything.
I'm debating on offering the pattern for sale since there doesn't seem to be more than one out there and I'm definitely going to add the veil to my list of projects I'm willing to make for people.
Right now it's a simple stitch pattern then I'm going to add a bit more. It will have a cloth ear cover ... or none at all (really depends on Trouper :3) with long fringe.
The one I'm working on now is a baby blue acrylic. It was either that or wool and I figure Trouper would have something terrible to say about me putting something so warm on him head in the heat of summer! :3 The reason for the options is due to flammability. Wool when knit puts itself out if it were to catch fire and acrylic's synthetic fibers have a fire retardant property added. I'm none too sure how to do the fringe with acrylic since it unravels.