Thursday, January 16, 2014
2014 Garden Plans
So the plans begin again for my lovely garden. I'm down to my last bag of frozen tomato sauce so this year I might want to work on my preserving skills and save more!
This year I'm going to make raised beds within the parameters of what I cleaned up last year. My plan is to re-purpose skids to make the individual beds, dig out a bit to nestle them into, fill them up with seasoned manure, and lastly cover with a bit of the dirt acquired from digging the shallow hole. Should be fun ... since I plan to do all this digging in frozen ground!
I still want to grow spinach but I need to find a shady spot for it this year. It seems that all the sun they got last year and the year before was just too much for them. Damn bolters! Perhaps under the old maple tree.
Corn is going back in but I'm going to rotate the garden so it's going on the other side this year. I'm hoping it doesn't shade the rest of the garden too much. I doubt really that I'll have a problem since the plot gets sun all day long. Well as long as it's sunny! I'm NOT planting beans anywhere near them. It seemed like beans strangled the corn last year. The tomatoes will be going on that side of the garden as well. I'm not sure what to do about the potatoes I didn't dig up. Did the freeze kill them or will they sprout on their own this year. I plant to leave that spot empty just in case. Though I'm planting another one on the other side of the garden.
I've got a plan to protect my carrots and beets better so they don't get eaten as wee seeds. Create a wee green house over their bed. It'll make them grow faster too. I don't worry about rabbits thanks to the cat. You'd think I wouldn't have to worry about birds either so maybe something else prevented my carrots from growing. We'll see how well it goes this year. Cross your fingers for me!
Oh side note: I just planted a sycamore seed!
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