Thursday, June 26, 2014

I'M BACK! Did ANYONE miss me?!
I participated in the Old Northwest Territory Primitive Rendezvous, this year known as the Old North Wet! For there was never a lack of rain! Taking advantage of a most wonderful thunderstorm I did some rain dancing. I was quickly soaked and it was good fortune I was wearing a bodice as chemise become transparent when wet. The rain wasn't good for most people though. Were all the people who came early set up; flooded out! The staff had to get a pontoon to move the camps I heard. Even moved a lot of people had creeks flowing through their tents after that thunderstorm. We were fortunate that ours was dry ... ish!

It was just my uncle and me as my cousin and brother both worked. In fact my girlfriends couldn't come wither due to work. Makes me begin to like my job again ...
We made interesting new friends and caught up with old ones!
Wolfy! I think the only person to hit the squirrel!

Showing off his fancy duds!
I got a fancy tent. When we were setting up camp uncle Greg offered a rug for my floor. So couldn't pass it up. I got a woven blanket due to my skin not liking the wool, a fleece sleeping bag, and I put the wool blanket at my feet over the woven one ... and I was still cold! Oh and I had an air mattress! Woot! I then went out and got another woven blanket and a cast iron skillet! Which I can season with beeswax! I'm so trying this now that I'm home.

My fancy tent!
I took first place in archery. It wasn't too hard considering everyone was having a bad time of it. However I spent most of my time working on a bow! Two Knives helped me start with a log, split it and whittle it down to a bow! I'm still stoked about it! I can't wait to see it after he takes it home and twists the limbs for me. When he brings it to the Eastern he's gonna tell me how to finish it!

Sanding the bow

Bowyers Apprentice

Working hard!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I consider myself to have a weak immune system for I get sick a lot. I hate doctors (they're just out to get paid) and the poisons they press upon me. SO! I self medicate.

Click image to go to Good Food Matters!
Recently I came across this lovely cure of yee olden days. Local Honey, Cayenne, Vinegar and ginger. I whipped up a batch and to my surprise I was without my cold in under 2 weeks, were as normally I'd be sick for 4 or more. It even had a pleasant taste. Not thinking it would work, I furthered my research and came across 'Thieves Oil'. I didn't have all the ingredients however, I diffused the few I had. So I conclude that the tincture helped cure my cold and the diffused oil kept Daniel from getting it. On that knowledge I shall add both recipes to my book and make some proper 'Thieves Oil' to diffuse on a regular basis!