I was going to start this whole new blog for eating out with children on a budget ... but then I remembered how bad I am at blogging and just decided to add it to this blog. It is after all a me blog!
The idea sprang up when I was talking with Dan about how I save my sister money when I take her babies out. He thought people would like the knowledge. So here it is!
I'm gonna start this one off with Panera Bread. I used to work for them ... 2 years ... and in that time I learned a lot. One of those things being how to save money.
They have good food right! But who spends $5 on a Grilled cheese you can make at home? Well, a lot of people! But boy can that add up! 3 kids @ $5 each is $15 plus you. So say you have 2 kids, they both want grilled cheese. Try getting a classic grilled cheese and asking for another plate. What would have been $10+ is now just $8. You could add another side for $.89, give them yours (my choice) or make them share (another thing we've done).
This can also be applied to adults. Just by ordering two items in full size (or bowls as they are called there) and splitting between two people you save $.
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