I’ve been so busy recently that I have been unable to update this blog. I do apologize for my preoccupation. I’ll take the time now to update everyone on what I’ve been doing. :3
Firstly, the thing that is taking up the most of my time is babysitting my niece and nephew. On the days I’m not at work I’m at my sister’s house taking care of these little ones. They are a blast to be with, always entertaining me and really “who needs a gym when you have a 2month old that demands being held and that you walk around or ‘squat’ while holding him!” Those of you who have or have had this then you know what I’m talking about. Those that don’t … be thankful! :3 I love them!
The oldest is my niece Mallory at 2 ½ years old. She is at the stage where she likes to push ones buttons (with full understanding) and is very jealous of her little brother. Anything that you have is HERS (by her decree of course) and she throws a fit if you don’t give it to her and quickly I might add. However, when she’s not demanding she’s a doll. She’s slowing learning her letters and body parts (it’s fun teaching her) and anything else that she looks at really.
The youngest is only 2 months old (I think I mentioned this already) and demands attention. He still sleeps most of the day away however, when he’s awake you better be holding him or in the least entertaining him with something that makes noise and is brightly colored. :) I don’t mind this in the least however; it’s quite difficult whenever Mallory sees that I’m stimulating Ryan’s mind with something she deems as hers. When this happens her first reaction is to run up and grab for it. We’re (we being her parents and I) working on the grabbing problem; she’s started asking for what she wants. And the heavens forbid should one start to cry… it’s like a mad house because then they both cry.
As I’m sure the image of Ryan and I can show you I’m also still crafting. The one I’m working on here is of a Celtic cross and an Irish saying. It’s taken me quite some time though I don’t work on it everyday. If I did I’d say it would be done within the month. I’ve been commissioned to make one of my amigurumi for a coworker though it’s slow in coming due to my lack of time. Too much to do and not enough time! *sigh* The portrait for my uncle is coming along nicely though I still haven’t gotten he face quite right. *chuckle* Maybe I’ll give it to him faceless.
I’ve also been inspired to pick my novel back up. It’s been in the making since high school (which is like forever ago) and sadly it’s a long way from finished. I’m debating on posting the beginning online but I’m afraid of the criticism. I can handle my uncles since he’s family and I have to put up with Daniels when I read it to him but with some really talented people out there… yah! I have posted some of it on my facebook for some select people to read and a few strangers but I haven’t gotten any review as of yet. But then I don’t have much time to check everything.
Speaking of facebook…its application ‘Castle Age’ is a wee bit addicting. <.<;
April 10th Daniel and I went to the Equine Affaire for a fun filled day of horses. He wasn’t as thrilled as I however he did seem to enjoy himself. Granted I paid for everything save his hat (which looks really good on him). There was a beautiful Paso Fino stallion being put through its paces, as well as plenty of other glorious breeds including but not limited to one of my favorites, the Frisian. Granted I didn’t see any Arabians. There were two clinics to which I really enjoyed and that were quite helpful with my work with Trouper. I plan to look both women up since I never did find their booths.
There were many extraordinary booths and artists this year. Some artists were better than others but all very good. Having a critic walking around with me was entertaining as well for he kept critiquing the art, even the pieces he liked he found flaws. I definitely acquired much inspiration for my own art work, so I fear updating this blog won’t be a regular nor scheduled thing.
Lastly, Sunday April 11th I went over to my mothers’ to work with Trouper. Thanks to the Crop I purchased at the AE he listened surprisingly well. I didn’t really even have to use it. We of course were working on ground work mostly walk and stop and all he needed when we first started was a gentle tap on his side with the command and he obliged me; to stop a tap on this chest. After a few times of this he didn’t need the crop at all; just the command and following my lead. I was so happy with the work we did today. I also worked on his fighting me for grass; one of the gents as AE was saying how he would keep the horses head up ( a gentle tug up on the lead when he would try to drop his head to eat) until the horse just stood patiently then drop the lead and allow him to eat. After a few head tosses (which I allowed, one really can’t get angry with an angry horse… it’s just not fair) he once again obliged me. Maybe it’s just me being for forceful in what I want (he is, after all a well trained horse just a bit lazy and stubborn) rather than these new methods to achieving ones goal.
Until next time!
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