Okay, now I know this one is going to start some fires! It started mine and I really don't like politics! I try to stay away from them as much as possible ... just don't like conflicts!
So to start, the other day on the radio (not all that reliable I'm sure) I heard that the gov is planning (or at least trying) to implement taxes on pizza. Not just taxes but a tax of 18%. I find this a bit outrageous! First off why? Secondly if Mrs. lady president wants to cut back on child obesity then perhaps she should have some program to help them... umm let me think... exercise! I find the largest issue with child obesity is that these children aren't playing enough and eating too much. It's not what they eat but how much! That's my opinion anyway. Of course pizza isn't the only thing being used here but it's the main one that bothered me. Come on a pizza pie is like the hot dog in America... a mandatory thing! If this happens I guess I'll have to make more from scratch. *sigh*
The other thing I heard about all this BS is health care plans. This one I heard today and it's disturbing! Mandatory Health Care! Really? People can't afford Health Care (at least some of us) so now we are going to be fined for it? That's like punishing a child for something they can't help. What kind of since does that make?
And the people will be paying for this health care through our taxes. I mean, the governments money is actually the peoples money right? So that means we are paying for it anyways just not reaping the benefits all the time. This almost sounds like some will be paying twice. Let me think. First we are forced to acquire health insurance (good only if one can afford it); I hear they are lowering the cost and raising the coverage received (both good things); however, to pay for this "li'le" change they will be raising taxes. So we buy health insurance and our taxes go up. Where's the price cut? The benefit they say this will bring? *shrug* Maybe it's just me who doesn't see it.
Now correct me if I'm wrong for I am getting all this from a third party...maybe even a fourth or fifth and I haven't read any articles as of yet. I plan to do that next! I just needed to get all this out.
Hey Sarah,
So it's all pretty muddled and everyone is pretty upset but here's what I've gotten from the whole thing: yes, you're right about pizza and also pop, there's going to be a new tax, the sin tax. However it's taxing a lot of stuff that's unhealthy for people. Like it or not, all of that cheese and grease; pizza is unhealthy. Although an 18% tax sounds ridiculous. The main problem and not one that we notice too often is that there are a lot of really unhealthy foods that are incredibly cheap and pushed on the poor. I'm talking really poor in very impoverished neighborhoods. You should seriously see the difference between a grocery store in Dublin and Powell and one in the Hilltop or on Cleveland Ave., it is intense.
Also, I understand your being upset about the mandatory health care and the fine for not having it. However there is a big part to that which you are missing. Which is that we're going to now have the government option which will be heavily subsidized. Meaning, you can't afford health care now but you should (supposedly) easily be able to with this new plan. The problem that most people have is, who's paying for it and how which is really screwing over the middle and upper middle classes. I wish for once it screwed over the rich people. Most of the rich people in the country are always screaming and crying whenever they have to pay anything that resembles fairness to what the middle class has to pay. They don't understand that to get out of our current economic clusterfuck the best idea is to put money into the hands of poor people since they're more likely to spend it in their community. Whereas with rich people, they're more likely to save it. Sorry, that's a digression though.
What has really helped me understand this whole thing is when it's compared to school. You see, education in America is mandatory until you're 18 unless you're emancipated or have a legal excuse. This will be the same with health care. The school systems cost the tax payers a lot of money. Not everyone uses it either, some people never have kids and some people send their children to private schools. Same with health care, some people don't want health care, they're fine with dying. Some people have their own private insurance but don't want to pay for everyone elses. People can get really upset about it but in the end you're looking out for your neighbor. Will your neighbor abuse that kindness- possibly. That's what happens when you roll the dice on people.
Anyways, I hope this has somehow helped your confusion. You won't be fined right away, this is a long and intensive plan that spans over the years. Nothing huge is going to happen over night and I'm tired of all people bitching and moaning- we have no idea how bad or good it's going to be until we're in it. People need to understand that change isn't inherently bad. Even if nothing good comes of it, you at least LEARN something, which it's time our country does. We're not going to be on top forever so people need to freaking wake up about it before it's too late.
Wow! It was never put quite like that to me. I like it! All that passion! :3 No teasing!
So okay this one helps a bit and my fire is quenched with the whole help your neighbor bit. For some reason that just never occurred to me. I feel so ashamed for my little outburst.
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