I actually came out to mom's to help her with her taxes and that being quite easy decided to brush down big brother and play with my bow. Trouper was a very dirty boy today. Having obviously rolled in the mud. He seems very happy to have his winter blanket removed finally and seemed to enjoy his brush-down. LOL! When I was brushing him he went and started to lick my legs. Eek! So much for my shower this afternoon! Don't ask. It was kinda funny because he kept insisting on licking any part of me that was close enough for him to reach. My legs not being the only target for his slobbery tongue. *sniffle* My poor shoes. TT And his poor feet! The farrier is needed greatly. He keeps getting little rocks stuck in his hoof wall. Does that make since? He
really wanted his feet cleaned out too. I know this because he didn't fight me at all... in fact he gave me his feet. Maybe it had something to do with me being in a really good mood and taking care of him! *shrug*
I got all covered in horse hair. Don't you just love the smell of horses? I do, so I don't mind having his sent all over me. :3 *chu*
After cleaning up big brother I left the pasture and got my bow and arrows out. Stringing the bow is surprisingly easy, even making sure not to twist the limb. However getting me elbow down is a different story. My muscles aren't sore so I'm not sure why I can't do it. Perhaps I need someone here with me to "put" my elbow in the correct position every time I don't. Of course I am thinking about how my body is being held when I draw and I can tell it's not correct though when I try to fix it my aim seems off. Maybe it's still not right even when I try that. *sigh* Self taught things can become quite difficult at time like these. Maybe that's why I'm not all that good at belly dancing (according to a certain person, not counting myself of course).
I did, however lamely, get a "bulls eye". LOL! Ya, my umm, ya! It's a bit of a cheesy target but it's all I was allowed to use around here. And it's not like the ground hogs are just sitting around asking to be used for target practice. Though I'm not sure I could hit even those nasty little things! It's funny too! My arrows just go right on through that old bale of hay. Sometimes at least. Other times they bury themselves to the fletching. Oh, and the can is just a visual for me to aim! In case one was wondering. :3 I hit it pretty good didn't I! Ding dong it's dead! *dances* Sadly that is the first time I hit it ... maybe even the last judging the way I'm shooting. Granted I am hitting the bale of hay every 4 out of 6 times. A few time I buried the arrow into the ground behind the hay it went completely through the bale first so I guess that number could go up.
Archery: a spectators sport! See Trouper watching me? I wonder what he's thinking about as my arrows fly from the bow! He's probably laughing at me since my elbow is way to high, I don't have the string pulled back far enough and it's a bit crooked now that I'm looking from a different perspective. Could also be my self photography. I'm thinking my little camera took the picture faster than I could draw back! I say this because the other photos I've got it drawn back far enough just my elbow is the problem. :3 Maybe I can get someone else to help me next time.
::Side note::
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