Birth: Unknown Died: September 29, 2002 Cancer
Height: 15.2 hh
Sex: Gelding
Breed: Egyptian Arabian
Hershey was a docile, colicky pony. Many a time the vet had to be called because Trouper would break into the barn and the two of them would gorge themselves on grain. (Trouper with his iron gut would be fine.) Hershey was what you would call green, meaning he had no substantial training except what my folks taught him. (I’m not sure but my aunt may have worked with him some. She’s a trainer FYI.) However, that being said he listened to my commands (which I reinforced verbally when asking) and never fought me.
He was very tender in the mouth so I hardly ever used my reins. Him and Trouper were like night and day!
Hershey however was a product of careless owners. His dame and sire were brother and sister who were in the same paddock and he was born alone in the field. I was told the owner never knew she was with foal. I don’t get how that’s possible. Since the owner would never be able to sell him Hershey was given to my father (they was friends), thus I took him over. Pa was too tall a man to ride him comfortably.

Ah! To watch him run! It was like he flew. And when I rode him I believed we were flying; his gates were so smooth.
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