Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Trouper's Bio

Name: Bucks Copper Kettle
Birth: June 13, 1985
Height: 16.3 hh
Sex: Gelding
Breed: American Quarter Horse (with a smidge of Morgan on Dames side)

Description: Trouper is classified as a lovely buckskin. His coat glistens in the sun as spun gold: He’s sun kissed! :3 Brown eyes showing the depths of his soul, tiger stripes accent his withers and front legs as he sports two stockings on both hind legs. Blaze and cute dark spots on the tips of his ears are his face markings. It looks like his ears were dipped in the same color as his stripes. Trouper also has the typical dorsal strip that buckskins have.

For all his good looks he’s one ornery boy. Up until Hershey passed he had a friend and was nicer. The three of us had lots of fun frolicking in the pasture and when I would take Hershey out he’d flip out. He didn’t like being left alone. Now he’s a bit sad … and sour.

When Trouper and I try to ride alone he fights me (I’m such a push over he knows he can get away with it…until now) but in a group or at least with one other horse he listens as long as he’s in the lead. I’d take a gander he’s a herd leader. :) He knows his commands; both verbal and physical so I can neck rein him, use my legs or just speak the basics and presto! Of course that only applies when he’s willing. :(

He loves being groomed (but then what hos doesn’t?) and gives me his feet almost always with no fight. Sometimes though he just leans into me! I’ll pretend he’s being affectionate! :3
Trouper has smooth gaits until you try to trot him. Youch!

*note: Can be trusted to bring one home safely even when one has been drinking profusely. Like Shadow Fax! LOL! :3 He Brought my stepdad home (dog drunk) and just hung out in the yard until we woke up and put him away.


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