Thursday, July 5, 2012

PC Failure and Other Disasters

So Friday there was a wicked storm that came through. If not for a coworker my poor little Saoirse would have been laying on her side. As it was we moved her right up to the building so that she was blocked from the wind that so wanted to damage her. Sadly I had to leave her here at work until Saturday after noon.

The storm itself was fun! The power failed at around 4:45pm and so the customers and staff ended up sheltering in the building, complete dark, and playing cat games with the little children. :3

Of course I had to leave my bike at work and the next day walk 2 hours, in 88 degree weather, toting a messenger bag and several books to go pick it up. Not a fun walk and lucky me our security was just locking up so I was able to retrieve my helmet and thus ride home in stead of walking back.

Then Sunday disasters strikes again. I woke up early (8am-ish), made myself some hot tea and set to work finishing up my clients logo. About 2pm it was done in 5 different styles and saving on my thumb drive to take and show her Monday. Well ... freeze. Okay so I walk away and give 'er time to think. When I come back ... Boot disk fail! O.o Deep breaths! Right?! I restart ... same message. I shut her down, pray the files saved and go read a book before I pick up the tower and throw 'er out the second story window. Monday I show my client the designs and they didn't save correctly. All funky colors. I get upset but she's like it's all right I won't need them for a few weeks yet. (She knows I'm going on vacation come tomorrow) I pray my second HD is untouched. Then later on Daniel calls and says my pc is fucked ... an over sized paper weight! T.T I had a break down. It wasn't pretty!

However, when I got home and played around we realized that, no, she isn't dead but having problems. All my files and programs are there and looking proper but my machine just doesn't want to operate. So I'm going to go in and play with my settings, perhaps over clock it and see were that puts us. In the mean time I'm going to enjoy my experience in the Old Northwest Primitive Rendezvous with my family for a whole week. When I get back then I'll drag my secondary HD to my mothers, install Illustrator and fix the logo to give to my client. That's the plan. Please pray mother nature doesn't decide to add more catastrophic to my life!


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