Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ok so I've been trekking the Columbus Coffee Trail with a few friends. It's pretty fun! So far however, my favorite cafe's are one's I've already been to.

My first trip was with Katya and Dan on June 12th. We picked up Katya and rode to Fox in the Snow for breakfast as we'd all be to Luck Bros many times. Then we headed to Luck Bros to say hi to my girl Heidi!

Fox in the Snow:  Saw these babies in the 614 magazine. The atmosphere is pretty cool but way to busy for my tastes. The food .... omg if only I could make scones like that! Moist and so tender inside with a wicked crunchie outside! *sigh* The espresso's not bad here either so I've frequented a number of times before I realized they were one of the stops. Then I made them sign my card!

Their logo has to be my favorite as I love foxes! >.< & the garage! So cool I knew my man would like it ... though he prefers the atmosphere of Luck Bros as well.

Luck Bros:  Andy is his own roaster and had it in the back of his store so one could watch him at work. It was fascinating. Now he has a warehouse with a new roaster and it's absence has made for new seating. The Kyoto style iced coffee is still on display!

His espresso changes with his experimentation but is always good. I drive out of my way just to buy his beans for my machine!

Luck Bros & Destination Donuts' Lavender Donut holes & Ethiopian Lattes!
After our little cafe hop we met the Russians at the river and did some wake skiing! My first time! It was great!
Finding some except-able music for the ride

June 18th's Breakfast @ Luck Bros before riding with the guys.
Cafe Brioso:  First impressions ... not the best. It was hot, we had ridden a ways in the sun, I wanted iced ... & I got told no! WTF! Her exact words were "do don't do that here" I gave her a blank face. Her "it changes the taste of or coffee" me "yes it makes it a bit bitter" her turn to give me a look. Next step as the guys are still trying to figure out what they want "ok, do you have soy or almond?" Her "we have almond ... but we just ran out" At this point I was really frustrated .... if not for the guys with me I would have walked out at "we don't do that here!" What customer service! *rolls eyes* So since they are so proud of their roast I decided on a dopio. I expected greatness! & the first sip didn't disappoint. It was thick, creamy and sweet .... the next ... sour as all get out.

Now the anatomy of a shot:  as soon as it's poured it begins to separate into these lovely layers with creme on top then the sweet then the bitter. So when one drinks it give it a swirl so they mix back up before sipping ..... That did not work for Cafe Brioso's shot.

That's all for now. The conclution so far .... I prefer the ones I found on my own to the 'new' ones from the!

I'll be hitting up 3 more this Sunday with my friends. Mission Coffee, Impero and One Line which I'm super excited about since Brother's Drakke uses their beans in their mead which is great!

Fox in the Snow June 12th. ICED dopio w/almond & cheddar scone. Cappuccino w/cream cheese & chives & a cinnamon roll that puts mine to shame! 

Espresso con panna & Luck Bros June 12th


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