I must admit. I feel bad. Dan is doing all my yard work for me! The whole reason we got a yard (as small as it is) is because I wanted it. I want a farm really but this will work for my self-sufficient homestead. Suburban that it is. And for the first year and a half I took care of it. Granted he dictated some of the things done to it but then again he's got an eye for resale and I don't. Not really. My plan for this land will only have value to a farmer at heart like myself. Not no city slicking urbanite!
Right now he's out there fixing up the front yard and the side yard that the patio peeps jacked up. Grub&weed killer, fertilizing, seeding and mowing. Yesterday he moved the back for me, after I told him my plan to wake up early today and mow. I couldn't get the mower started with Aidan strapped to me. What am I doing. Entertaining Aidan.
I could be outside helping if Motorola would stop sending me the wrong replacement part. It's been a month now and they've sent me 2 monitors and one camera to the set. I have sent them images (multiple times) of the original identifying sticker and they still can't send the right part. WTF!
He did say I was doing a good job at being a momma....that helps me feel not as worthless...some. Depression is fighting hard to kick me back down. It's been some years since I've fought this hard to stay (undepressed? happy?).
Further Learning
So a side note. Thanks to Heidi, I'm taking an online Permaculture course. I'll test my knowledge and hopefully learn something new. Or find some new tools or resources to help make this little burban homestead as self-sufficient as possible. Week one of a four week course down. Maybe we'll get together soon for coffee and a perma-chat!
I've started turning my VMI panel into a blanket. I'll be making it roughly 27"x27". A good size for baby or lap. That way they don't feel so pressured! I got a plan in my head of how it should look. One detail I need to research how to do, so here's to hoping it turns out.
Life with Baby
Yesterday was a day of firsts for all of us. I bundled Aidan up into his stroller, leashed Georgia and went for a walk. I met 3 of my neighbors. Found out just how out of shape I am! How out of shape Georgia is!!! Visited a park for some swing time and pushed said stroller through 2 soccer fields, a tiny crick and a grassy noll. That was hard work! I blame that for my tiredness once we got home (just before the rain I might add). Got some pokemon Go'ing in! All in all. I think I'll do it again. Georgia was well behaved and Aidan had fun!
While they both napped I took some time to make their Silhouettes! Stacy also wants me to do this as a side project for her. Could be fun.
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