I'm going to go to Joann's tomorrow and pick up a few yards of muslin so I can make my chemises. I need at least two so I don't feel too grubby. The one I am embroidering but the second one shall be of a fancy printed cotton. It'll look like it's embroidered but won't be. Cheating I know! The fabric was so pretty that I just was inspired. According to my uncle it's historically accurate so I have nothing to hold me back. Also one needs to be long while the other needs to be able to be tucked into breeches but still long enough to wear with skirts so I'm thinking knee length or mid thigh. I can just imagine it tickling my legs if it's too hot to wear stockings and bloomers! It's July so it very well could be too hot!
I'm so happy that I can bring my camera. However, I have to hide it when not taking photos. What to do?! I guess the only thing to do is knit a bag! *sigh* This is turning out to be a busy couple months.
If you go to the photo location: which is Jewett's Faire Shoppe, you can skim through the rest of my yarns. If you want a commission then keep in mind that these particular yarns are only good for small projects. I can however get a very similar color for larger items. :3
Besides my costume that I have to have done by the end of this month. I have a contest I'm entering that ends July 28th. I've offered a prize to the winner but since I'm allowed to enter I'm going to. I hope many people enter this contest because I'm excited to give out a gift to the winner.
Well I'm going to go entertain my nephew so he'll stop putting stickers on me. :3
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