Well I finished the knit hat I had planned for Mallory. It was to go with the smocked dress I had given her for Christmas. However after about an inch along I realized it was too small. I kept knitting however, thinking perhaps it would stretch nicely. I mean it is ribbing after all. Now completed I find I was wrong. If I attempted to stretch it, it would look more like a fedora. My sister will be happy with it I'm sure since it's the perfect size for a newborn. What with her being a newborn photographer and all.

I'm attempting to write it all out at the moment. I probably should have done this while knitting it but I kept getting distracted by the knitting. So know I have to go in and try to find all those damn decreases: they're hidden quite well if I do say so. So that is the point in which I find most challenging to write into pattern. Those damn decreases! Once done however I'm going to stick it up for sale. My figuring on this is that if the pattern is complex enough to charge $3.00 and thus create a competition for my selling the hats then I'll sell the pattern. If not then I'll just post the pattern for free use: with credit on the design of course.
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