Friday, May 2, 2014

Awkward Blogger

I've come to realize that I'm not very good at this blog thing. I can't seem to keep up with myself nor are my words as eloquent as I'd prefer. I do wish to improve these skills:  goal one is to blog more. Perhaps after each of my endeavors are complete. Second goal is to work on my vocabulary and witty repitware! Wish me luck!

I got my garden all done! Sort of. I got two raised beds done and mostly filled. I could use 3 more wheel barrels full of aged horse manure. The rest of the 15'x18' bed filled and 2 barrels full of manure filled in. It's crazy how quickly the grass and weeds grew Back. As I was tilling I had to beat gobs of root balls against the shovel head and tossed them into the field. Hours of hard work. Makes a person feel good about one's self. Oh. I also have this old tire turned into a pot, filled with sand and manure and ready for potatoes.


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