Thursday, April 6, 2017

It turns out that I have prophetic dreams! I can’t go into detail just yet as my sister wants to have a gender reveal at my baby shower. All I can say is that I dreamed a while ago that I was nursing a wee bairn of a specific sex!

Now, on to gardening news! I have potted the remainder of my seeds save about 10 corn seeds. Giving them a wee bit of a head start. I opted to plant 2 of my brand new from trade acorn squash. Amanda just loves them so we’ll see. These when I put them out shall go at the feet of my Cherokee corn which I planted out into the south bed with my lavender. A bit early for both but as long as the animals leave them be they should come up on their own in about a month. Earlier even since it’s a very warm protected spot up against the house.

The other 2 squash are butternut since I love them and they store well. I started cucumber (4), eggplant (a bunch of seeds since they are older and I’m not sure they’ll germinate.), and I forgot until now but I don’t have pumpkin seeds! O.o How am I gonna grow pumpkin if I ain’t got seeds? Maybe I’ll buy a plant when I’m ready to plant.

The sun was nice and hot if the wind was chilly so it was a decent day to do all this outside. My mini greenhouse lid took a flight but withstood it’s crash landing well. My lavender I started in my greenhouse doesn’t seem to be sprouting so I’m worried. A bit more worried about the ones I planted out.

House projects I have forgotten to document:

Dan ran his air hose from the basement to the garage. It’s less likely to wake me or him up if we have a flat tire in the morning but it’s still loud if you’re in the kitchen.
Before in garage
After in garage

Next up:  babies room, soffit & raised garden bed.


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