I really wonder though if my peach sapling will survive in it's current location. What with wet feet and not being grafted ... I'm attempting to help it out with some companion plants that will help it grow strong and perhaps deter the wee [giant] bunnies that are nibbling on it's stems. The wee buggers!
So far:
Peach tree guild:
- [insectary] garlic around the base to deter borer bugs and build up sulfur for anti-fungal.
- [insectary & pollinator] basil to repel aphids and attracts butterflies
- [insectary & pollinator] parsley to attract parasitic wasps & hoverflies
- [nitrogen fixer] ?
- [ground cover] ?
- [mulch] ?
- [insectary] ?
- [pollinator] ?
- [ground cover] clover
- [mulch] ?
- [nitrogen fixer]?
- [insectary] ?
- [pollinator] ?
- [ground cover] ?
- [mulch] ?
- [nitrogen fixer]?
Still haven't started my vegetable garden. Heidi might come out Sunday to help me start some seeds. At least tomato and jalapeno. I'll need a lot of dirt to bring that bed back up!
Patio update:
Cold, not calked and the manager of JSB home solutions is coming out Sunday afternoon to talk with us about the ever lengthening project. Should be fun.....>.>
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