Monday, February 26, 2018

Today is a day for gardening. I have 15-ish plants started now. 5 roma from last years crop, 3 jalapeno from about 5 years ago, 3 bell peppers that I labeled as red bells from a few years ago [I'm not one to add dates to my seeds. Probably should start.] A pot of lavender seeds sprinkled in, a pot of chia sprinkled in, a magnolia from Dan's mom and a purple snow pea from last years trade!

Once these start & I have figured out where the plants I plan will go, I'll start some wolfberries! Plus in the next month or 2 I'll start my cucumbers and beets. A bit early I know but they grow so much better when given a head start. Dan is gonna raise & level out my veggie bed so I can't plant anything in it just yet thus beets being started indoors.

Garden plants raised bed:

  • Roma
  • Jalapeno
  • Bell peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Bok choy
  • Purple snow peas
Veggies elsewhere:
  • Zuccini 
  • Butternut squash
  • Sweet potato

We plan to level out some of the dirt of our jacked up yard, throw some seed down and mulch around the patio with lain pavers. Allowing for easy cleaning of these windows without trekking through plants. His coworker will be flying a drone over and getting some images of our yard for us in March. That'll help plan.

Magnolia and Japanese maples will be planted in a bed on the NE side of the patio. My Sycamore will be moved further north if its current location. The stones from the NE corner will be moved to the rock garden. The burberry bush will get relocated & finally my Peach will get some helpful guild plants. That's this years yard plans! More or less might occure!


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