Monday, October 1, 2012

Kuhlweins Farm Market

Yesterday I went to a farm market with Jennifer way out in the boonies. It was nice being virtually in the middle of no where again. I really miss it!

Anyways, we planned to take photos there expecting it to be a pick your own pumpkin patch. I had such plans. But it turned out to be a market like Yutzy's.

I get ahead of myself. We started by meeting up at this cute little cafe in Old Dublin for an afternoon cap. I planned on getting there with enough time to do some knitting but since she knew that she showed up early. I only got a few rows done and a couple sips of my latte then we were off to the country. I did pick up an application while I was there. We even got the meet the owner. It was funny because while he was outside chatting on his phone Jen's like 'he looks like Brad Pitt' and I turn to look then say 'not really'. It was a funny conversation. No really it was!

At the market we moseyed around for a bit then made our selections. I got a sharpie and marked the weight of the pumpkins I was getting so that I would know when I make my recipes which ones to use. Jen got a bunch of decorative gourds and some Indian corn. They had a nice selection as these things go.

Afterwards we visited mothers and Jen took some photos of me with Trouper. I'd say she did a nice job! I can't wait to get some printed off!
Do I prefer B&W or color?
He's so dirty. I really should have brushed him before I handed over my camera!
I had to play with the white balance on the photos ... still needs work.
Horse Kisses!

Book is all finished and garnished with a lovely gourd I found at the market!
Abesolam showed up and bought some jam and suffered through a short photoshoot. Little did I know that yesterday was Gentleman Biker Day. He was all snazzy in a suite riding around on his bike. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some photos.

Another thank you card I made Saturday

A lovely field of flowers.


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