Yesterday Aidan woke up at 3:30 then every half hour to hour later till I said freak it and took him down stairs. Were we played till he passed out around 9-10am. Since I had to work last evening I just got my day started. We ended up getting Georgia's nails done and stopping at Ace for a furnace filter. Our poor furnace was a whistling and that filter...oh boy. They had a very convenient sale!!!
That was Aidan's big nap and he didn't sleep a wink after (I don't really count the car rides). While he was at it I took Georgia out to play in the snow fall and shoveled the drive and sidewalks up to my neighbors' drives. I'm such an awesome neighbor! I almost shoveled the Fishers' driveway for them since they are super kind to us but they like doing yard work and stuff. They went back used their fancy snow blower thingy ... stopped at the edge of their yard of course. *shrug* The one thing I don't like about living in the berbs...shoveling sidewalks.....
Grandma entertained him while I worked. Had some fun customer interactions! (see end note!) My schedule was all messed up (got shorted 1hr which I worked anyways). Then we went home to a puppy in time out (she peed on daddy's office floor) and some homemade sliders! All in all not an eventful day.
This morning proved that wee Aidan had tuckered himself out good. Woke up at 6:30 hungry then promptly passed back out till 9. In fact I woke up before him! By like 5 mins but whatever! I got the changing table cleared off and his humidifier refilled. He was watching me! LOL! Changed his diaper and he let me lay him back into his crib to preform my morning bathroom rituals (minus shower. That waits till his nap time). It was glorious! He's currently bouncing away in his jumparoo while I take care of Georgia's morning routines, get myself breakfast and reheat my tea from last night!
Life's an adventure!
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breakfast of champs! |
End Note: Customer interactions!
1st: Super tall chap. Got his life story! He divorced, his kids call one day (mom had kicked them to the curb....literally) so he has them now. He asked the Dublin schools if they would allow the kids to finish out their school year even though he doesn't live in Dublin. They said nope! They can finish out the week! So 6 days later he was living in Dublin! Awesome dad! He found himself a winner with the new wife. She makes awesome stuff from scratch. Pirogue, ravioli and the like. Actually established a relationship with the kids rather then trying to govern over them. I got photos. Then we talked about my being a new mom! It was just a great conversation. I got a kink in my neck though. Chap was like 6'5" at least! He told me his name too but I completely forgot. I suck at names!
2nd: She walked in as I was trying to figure out a bundle to put "The Name of the Wind" in. I ended up giving her that & flushing out her reading list with some of my fav fantasy with male leads. We had very similar reading lists & a similar opinion on Anita Blake!
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