Tuesday, March 27, 2018

What a night! Poor Aidan kept waking up. I'm pretty sure it's the teeth coming in. He keeps nomming whatever he can get into his mouth! Waking up & nomming his fingers. My poor li'le fox!

6:30 he was up for good....until 8:30 rolled around and he passed back out! Sigh. Now I've had my coffee and am up for the day.

Aftering getting Dan packed & caffeinated I made myself some food & of course coffee. Then got inspired to take a quick photoshoot. I didn't have time to bust out the big camera so they are only web worthy but I like how they came out.

Please comment and/or like on Instagram or facebook! Feed back is always welcome! Also, I have 2 small jars of marmalade I didn't waterbath so must be eaten. If you want it come get it!

I guess I'll clean up now & make that strawberry jam before we take Georgia to get a puppicure!

This one needs some color correction!

My favorite!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Morning ramblings:  Well the only thing I got sprouted was chia....I would love to blame the seeds but sadly I think they got to hot. Or maybe to cold to grow....idk. It gets up to 78°F in the patio during a sunny day and down to 30°F on some cold nights. So maybe they are still thinking about growing....if not garden center here we come.

So our day was rather full. Aidan slept in (till 8:30am) so I got some needed shut eye after the rough start to our night. We had planned to visit daddy at work & bring him some coffee but those plans changed to us getting groceries.

I find it a fun and yet somewhat frustrating task to cook and coddle a clingy baby! 😏 With his little teeth coming in he's always wanting to be held, hugged or just close to us. So the slaving over multiple boiling pots can get sketchy.

We disassembled a chicken and made stock from its carcass. We made a lovely blood orange marmalade. Some orange cranberry poundcake. Started soaking soybeans. Did some laundry. Washed the dishes. Knit a shirt.

I'm setting myself up for failure! Starting my dependency with such vigor! Busy busy bee!

Anyway, I still have strawberry jam to make, lavender shortbread, chocolate biscotti and some cookies for Dan! So much to do besides that even. Like get our taxes in, get people called and paid, and make deliveries.

My personal goals:

Make $200 a month so Dan doesn't have to pay my life insurance policy & my retirement account.

Make something for myself each month.

Relationship goals:

Do something special for Dan each week!

Life goals:

Get better at making lunches! Regularly!

Make more dinners.

Career goals:

Get 1 new business client a month! (Is that to ambitious?)

Friday, March 23, 2018

Time for my second batch of soy milk. This time I'm following Simple vegan. After spending 1.5hrs shucking soy beans from their skins it damn well better taste better then my last batch or I might cry! I can see why soy is so pricy if they are shucking skins....

Simple Vegan has some time misconceptions here. She says total time is 45min. Don't be fooled!

Omg 1.5hrs.....

Now what do I do with this?
Also, the shucking of the beans was pointless. The end result tastes the same as my last batch. 😭 I wasted all that time.

So besides soy milk, tiny & I went into Dublin to visit my peeps. Tomorrow is the last day of my 15 year career with CML. Sad to leave the Dublin team (scattered across the system as they currently are) but it'll be great having all my time with my son.

I'll be working freelance gigs while he naps to help pay for our toys!

We also went shopping for Iron Shot Cafe & some household stuff!.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

 Today is a day for cleaning & making! Aidan quietly plays with his blocks as I sew up his tree spirit! Then while he sleeps I finish cleaning the kitchen. ..just to dirty it again. Sigh!

Busted out the sippy cups and the tiny Tupperware. Clean and ready to go.

So I made Aidan his first batch of puree. Apples and avocado. The food processer didn't like the apples so Aidan is a bit unsure. I'll just have to remember to mash before feeding!

Weighed out the butter for a new poundcake and prepaired the rest of it's ingredients that require some special attention.

Made myself an affogato and of course took some photos for Iron Shot Cafe!

That of course is as far as I got before Aidan woke back up. So we're eating lunch and playing! Lunch with tea also required it's own photoshoot!

On a side note my last day of a 15 year career is next Saturday. It's time I focused on my family. Pray for focus! I'm a terrible procrastinator!

Another side note. It's about time to move my citrus to the patio. Their new home. I need to find a way to protect them at night as it still gets cold.

Clean me!


Monday, March 12, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018

Warning:  bitch fest to follow.

So I get that Andy is angry, frustrated and many other complex emotions with his underling Michael who didn't make sure the room was built to expectations. I don't however, permit that his emotions be taken out on us.

I'm the consumer of your product. With your price tag I have an expectation of what that product is & will nit pick the fuck out of the work.

So Dan also finished the side bed. Looks great. We'll need dirt for the bricked part so I can plant tall grasses & I'm thinking mint or lemon verbena.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Getting some more gardening done while Dan is on a staycation! A side bed filled with gravel. Some plants trimmed. New garden bed.

Monday, March 5, 2018

So I find that I'm posting to Instagram with far more frequency then my blog. O.O Sorry about that! Please follow @PatientFarmer

So a bit of story for the following images.

My father found the handmade rocking horse and brought it over. I'm sanding and going to repaint it to better match our style. There will be a bit of Celtic knot work I hope! I'm just gonna do a rough sand to help the new paint stick better.

The bags of milk...ya that's my bomb ass mommy skills. Normally I can only get 3-ish oz while at work. That day I got 6oz. Whoot!

I made some oat milk in preparation for making my own soy milk. Super easy! Can't wait till my soy beans come in. Also, Dan made some pickles! Hot cucumber, Hot beef and Hot eggs! Note:  Hot as in Spicy hot!

& finally since puppy claws killed our sheets I'm repurposing them into shirts! XD

Rocking Horse Pre-sanding
Bomb mommy skills!

Oat milk:  not recommended with coffee!


Just yum


"I decided to run around in the mud!"