Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Race for the Cure Tortoise and the Hare
I have a tone of images of her on my facebook page as well as some other creations. I also have other crocheted items on my Deviant page.
I was thinking while crocheting the tortoise about what my old teacher once told me. That I would make a good toy maker. I don't think he meant the crocheted versions but rather the modeling of action figures and what nots like that. Still toys are toys.
In the process of making my R4C amis I found it strange counting two separate numbers in my head. Talk about mental work out! I've already had to undo my work and start over so I'm being cautious by counting every round. It's a little challenging creating something to this scale (unless you count my blanket ... which I'm not!)
The Tortoise is also finished. He didn't take nearly as long to make thank the gods! I have him a little bad boy twist with purple hair done in a cornrowed, Mohawk. It looks like he's wearing a jump suit though so the next one is going to have more clothes! :3
I named him Tiny Tim and he can be found on my Deviantart page as well as my Facebook page. I need to add him to my etsy store so that he will sell however I'm not adverse to selling him via any other means (hint hint) :3
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Baby Mouse

To the left here is just the charm and ribbon. For a full body shot see this! I attempted to load the image but it wouldn't work. *shrug*
I have two made ... well okay the second one doesn't have a face yet but that's only because I'm not sure what I want her to express.
Baby Mouse is about 7" tall from the top of her head (not her ears) to her little toes (not the length of her tail ... which may vary). I have based her off of a character I saw once, I thought she was so cute and had to make a plushie of her!
Cost: $15 (though people say I should ask $20 I figure I'll be nice since I've never sold before.)
-can complete within a week or two (depending on work)
-shipping is $3 for one within US borders and $5 for international shipment. (may vary based on how you would like it shipped [secure or reg.] and the going prices)
If you would like the one shown it's ready to ship as soon as I receive payment. I do do custom orders just email me the details and I'll let you know if I can do it.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hair Care
I'll start by inviting into my personally routine then finish with tips and tricks for other hair types. Most I've learned from my mother who is a hair stylist by profession (my source creds :3).
Firstly I don't wash my hair daily! Ya sounds gross (at least some people think so) but doing so will dry out your hair. Obviously if it needs it then do so and I do but unless I'm dirty my hair stays up. When I shampoo it's only the top half... about half way down the full length as this is the part that gets the greasiest. Don't worry though the rest of your hair is getting washed just not directly and not lathered. Now I personally use BIOLAGE at the moment. I switch it up a bit (seems to make my hair a bit fluffier) with this awesome Paul Mitchell collection.
Secondly, I condition just my ends. This refers to the part I didn't wash directly ... about my neck down. I am currently using a BIOLAGE cream conditioner with which I use most every time I wash and a mask called 'It's a miracle 10' which I use once a week as a deep conditioner. (FYI I get these things from my mother. They tend to be only salon products though I have seen BIOLAGE in the stores I'm unsure about the other products mentioned here.) The 10 I leave in for a good 5min plus the BIOLAGE about 3min or as long as it takes me to finish my shower. Then rinse!
Now that the shower is over: summer showers are the best because they are typically colder (heat so kills hair). I have a few things that I add to my hair. They aren't an everyday thing for my just when my hair feels like it needs it. Say frizzy at the ends or looking dry and split. So the first thing is something called BIOSILK. It smells awesome and makes my hair all silky smooth. :3 Love it (though it's pricey). I just add it to my ends (notice a trend here :) with long hair the ends need the most love). I just need a dime maybe nickle sized little squirt and it covers all my hair (last measured at 3ft ... in case you care). This BIOSILK can also be used on your body so if you have dry skin or even patches of dryness just rub a bit in and presto. The other thing I use is by Redkin and it's called EXTREME. This I will use like a detangler. Since the wind really doesn't like my hair ... well most things don't seem to ... it tangles like so easily. I just add a good bit of EXTREME and thoroughly massage in my ends and a brush will slide through with nary a problem.
And speaking of brushes, I use a square head boar hair brush (I imagine these products are helping the brush hairs stay supple-ish as well). I think a hair brush is better than the plastic bristles because the hair will give. *shrug* I very well could be wrong on that one. Though the boar hair brush will make my hair shine: crazy luster when it's brushed dry.
I also let my hair air dry when possible. If I need it dry fast to put it up or style it then I'll blow dry it otherwise it drys on it's own. And I almost never put a pony tail in my wet or damp hair. Since you hair is most brittle when it's wet it will break and bend and stretch if you try to tie it up. If I need it out of my way I put loose plaits in it and use a very small band at the very last strands loosely to minimize damage.
And those are my secrets... well secrets no more!
If you have dryer hair then you don't need to shampoo as much and if you have greasier hair just watch it a little more often.
I hope all this blathering helped out someone!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saoirses' Boo-Boo

The gent was of Indian decent (that being from India though I suppose it doesn’t really matter) and apparently decided not to have anything done to his car that was recommended (things they say he needed done to be safe…like breaks). It was a pain just to get the cops out to the scene of this most tragic crime! The dispatcher claims its private property (though the cops apparently come out and ticket people all the time so what’s the difference with an accident?!). Daniel (being an employee) convinced the dispatcher to send an officer out. Granted all the guy did was take down the man’s information and then was on his way.
I took a few images while loosing my appetite. Both before she was touched (after having been damaged) and after she was picked up. I got the concrete curb where my paint shall remain; never to be back on Saoirses’ beautiful body again!

Sigh. If that man hadn’t said he was sorry I’m not sure what I would have done. Probably nothing reckless or violent to him but I would have been very irate once the sadness wore off. To which it did rather quickly!
For another after Daniel attempted to start her she idled a little off with some stuttering in her tail pipes (I couldn’t have placed the difference but he knows his vehicles). When I took her for a wee spin around the lot she sounded like shit. She didn’t want to rev high enough to really shift; all sluggish like!
Once Daniel went back into work I moved everything to a quite little cubby and began the long process of calling insurance companies. I began with mine (being as I’ve never had this happen before I had no idea what to do and my rep wasn’t in so I wasted a bit of time with my insurance) then they gave me his insurances phone number. So I called them and got my incident number. Now I got to wait till Monday, call my rep so he knows and wait for his to call me back.
After all that shiz I rode her home and found that she doesn’t like to lean anymore (makes a strange noise when I do… kind of scary when you’re truckin’ down the road and your bike starts making noises!) On the way another gent (also of Indian decent) bloody pulled out in front of me. Thanks the gods my breaks were working just fine or I would have T-boned the arsewipe. Actually used my horn for I think the first time ever when in crisis mode and all the gent did was look at me like I was some bug on his windshield! Grr! I’m not particularly a races person but if people of this race keep messin’ with me like this I might just convert!
I got her home virtually safely and took a lot more pictures of all her battle wounds (she was virtually attacked in her sleep! Raped I tell you!) and called a friend to tell the bad news. She was like “OMG!” Which I must say cheered me up a bit.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Julie and Julia
Oddly enough this movie is reminding me of all the Italian an old school mate taught me. LOL! If only I had someone to speak with.
For those people who like chick flicks this is definitely something I would recommend they watch. Even people who don't, actually. Though my boyfriend doesn't wish to watch I'm sure he would have enjoyed it. There is this horrible 'dean' at Julia's school who is just so cruel to her. And of course Julie is so not nice to her husband. Note to those men who would watch this... show sympathy to your woman when she is having a breakdown. Just get some reporter to call and ask to write about her wonderful hobby, it'll cheer her up instantly! :3
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Kiki Strike Casting Call
Dakota Fanning as Kiki Strike
Emma Watson as Ananka Fishbein
Emilia Schule as Betty Bent
Katie Leung as Oona Wong
Emily osment as DeeDee Morlock
Venessa Hudgens as Luz Lopez
Should they ever decide to turn this novel into a movie! To which I believe they should. It's an endearing novel about 5 young girls with remarkable talents that go unappreciated until the day Kiki; a mysterious girl, brings them together to explore a forgotten city below Manhattan.
I'm not the best at determining who the best person is for reading a book however I would definitely encourage any grade school girl to read this. It's good a good adventure and some good morels hidden within.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Busy Update
I’ve been so busy recently that I have been unable to update this blog. I do apologize for my preoccupation. I’ll take the time now to update everyone on what I’ve been doing. :3
Firstly, the thing that is taking up the most of my time is babysitting my niece and nephew. On the days I’m not at work I’m at my sister’s house taking care of these little ones. They are a blast to be with, always entertaining me and really “who needs a gym when you have a 2month old that demands being held and that you walk around or ‘squat’ while holding him!” Those of you who have or have had this then you know what I’m talking about. Those that don’t … be thankful! :3 I love them!
The oldest is my niece Mallory at 2 ½ years old. She is at the stage where she likes to push ones buttons (with full understanding) and is very jealous of her little brother. Anything that you have is HERS (by her decree of course) and she throws a fit if you don’t give it to her and quickly I might add. However, when she’s not demanding she’s a doll. She’s slowing learning her letters and body parts (it’s fun teaching her) and anything else that she looks at really.
The youngest is only 2 months old (I think I mentioned this already) and demands attention. He still sleeps most of the day away however, when he’s awake you better be holding him or in the least entertaining him with something that makes noise and is brightly colored. :) I don’t mind this in the least however; it’s quite difficult whenever Mallory sees that I’m stimulating Ryan’s mind with something she deems as hers. When this happens her first reaction is to run up and grab for it. We’re (we being her parents and I) working on the grabbing problem; she’s started asking for what she wants. And the heavens forbid should one start to cry… it’s like a mad house because then they both cry.
As I’m sure the image of Ryan and I can show you I’m also still crafting. The one I’m working on here is of a Celtic cross and an Irish saying. It’s taken me quite some time though I don’t work on it everyday. If I did I’d say it would be done within the month. I’ve been commissioned to make one of my amigurumi for a coworker though it’s slow in coming due to my lack of time. Too much to do and not enough time! *sigh* The portrait for my uncle is coming along nicely though I still haven’t gotten he face quite right. *chuckle* Maybe I’ll give it to him faceless.
I’ve also been inspired to pick my novel back up. It’s been in the making since high school (which is like forever ago) and sadly it’s a long way from finished. I’m debating on posting the beginning online but I’m afraid of the criticism. I can handle my uncles since he’s family and I have to put up with Daniels when I read it to him but with some really talented people out there… yah! I have posted some of it on my facebook for some select people to read and a few strangers but I haven’t gotten any review as of yet. But then I don’t have much time to check everything.
Speaking of facebook…its application ‘Castle Age’ is a wee bit addicting. <.<;
April 10th Daniel and I went to the Equine Affaire for a fun filled day of horses. He wasn’t as thrilled as I however he did seem to enjoy himself. Granted I paid for everything save his hat (which looks really good on him). There was a beautiful Paso Fino stallion being put through its paces, as well as plenty of other glorious breeds including but not limited to one of my favorites, the Frisian. Granted I didn’t see any Arabians. There were two clinics to which I really enjoyed and that were quite helpful with my work with Trouper. I plan to look both women up since I never did find their booths.
There were many extraordinary booths and artists this year. Some artists were better than others but all very good. Having a critic walking around with me was entertaining as well for he kept critiquing the art, even the pieces he liked he found flaws. I definitely acquired much inspiration for my own art work, so I fear updating this blog won’t be a regular nor scheduled thing.
Lastly, Sunday April 11th I went over to my mothers’ to work with Trouper. Thanks to the Crop I purchased at the AE he listened surprisingly well. I didn’t really even have to use it. We of course were working on ground work mostly walk and stop and all he needed when we first started was a gentle tap on his side with the command and he obliged me; to stop a tap on this chest. After a few times of this he didn’t need the crop at all; just the command and following my lead. I was so happy with the work we did today. I also worked on his fighting me for grass; one of the gents as AE was saying how he would keep the horses head up ( a gentle tug up on the lead when he would try to drop his head to eat) until the horse just stood patiently then drop the lead and allow him to eat. After a few head tosses (which I allowed, one really can’t get angry with an angry horse… it’s just not fair) he once again obliged me. Maybe it’s just me being for forceful in what I want (he is, after all a well trained horse just a bit lazy and stubborn) rather than these new methods to achieving ones goal.
Until next time!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Health Care Reform
So to start, the other day on the radio (not all that reliable I'm sure) I heard that the gov is planning (or at least trying) to implement taxes on pizza. Not just taxes but a tax of 18%. I find this a bit outrageous! First off why? Secondly if Mrs. lady president wants to cut back on child obesity then perhaps she should have some program to help them... umm let me think... exercise! I find the largest issue with child obesity is that these children aren't playing enough and eating too much. It's not what they eat but how much! That's my opinion anyway. Of course pizza isn't the only thing being used here but it's the main one that bothered me. Come on a pizza pie is like the hot dog in America... a mandatory thing! If this happens I guess I'll have to make more from scratch. *sigh*
The other thing I heard about all this BS is health care plans. This one I heard today and it's disturbing! Mandatory Health Care! Really? People can't afford Health Care (at least some of us) so now we are going to be fined for it? That's like punishing a child for something they can't help. What kind of since does that make?
And the people will be paying for this health care through our taxes. I mean, the governments money is actually the peoples money right? So that means we are paying for it anyways just not reaping the benefits all the time. This almost sounds like some will be paying twice. Let me think. First we are forced to acquire health insurance (good only if one can afford it); I hear they are lowering the cost and raising the coverage received (both good things); however, to pay for this "li'le" change they will be raising taxes. So we buy health insurance and our taxes go up. Where's the price cut? The benefit they say this will bring? *shrug* Maybe it's just me who doesn't see it.
Now correct me if I'm wrong for I am getting all this from a third party...maybe even a fourth or fifth and I haven't read any articles as of yet. I plan to do that next! I just needed to get all this out.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Archery...a spectators sport!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The fun, however, started when I had to ride my bike back to the apartment!
Being only 2000 It wasn't that late however it was dark and my temps only allow me to ride during the day. No dawn or dusk! *SIGH* Shame on me because I had to ride her home. So my confession...I illegally rode my little ninja to the apartment, in the dark, with just temps. Guess my luck. I was tailed by a cop. He so rode my tail till he turned into the station house. Lucky me that my tags don't say I have temps. ... or if they do he didn't care!
Of course it would be my first time riding at night that I would get my temps yanked. Thanks the gods I didn't know it was a cop until I was parked at the apartment or I would have been so nervous. & for as much as my boyfriend say I ride like a noob apparently the cop didn't think anything of it. I figure a noob would have me and thus would be pulled over to get their credentials checked.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Cold Ride
It started with me wanting to go to the mall. I called a friend and had her meet me in the food court and then I geared up. From my window it was sunny enough and sure the temperature gauge said it was only 47 degrees F.
So like half way there I was shivering like a maraca. :3 I was afraid my hips shivering would cause my bike to swerve. She was wobbly enough in the front end without my assistance...or maybe it was actually my hips and not my bike. :(
LOL! So many people were mad at me. I was doing the speed limit no more and they were going around me, honking (to which I flicked them off...the losers!) and getting awfully close to me! Very scary!
So I made it to Daniels' work just fine with only crazy people trying to not drive behind me. I said hi since he can't talk on his phone anymore while at work. Then off I went (after a brief bit of time to warm up) to the mall.
I met my friends just outside the mall instead of inside because their little ones weren't feeling all that happy. The oldest was a bit grumpy and not liking me not letting him hold my helmet. Or the firemen who had to walk past us. Must have gotten his dislike of the uniformed man from his father: who got it from his fast driving friends! :3
We managed to wander around the mall a bit. Trying to cheer the little ones up with Build a Bear and the play place. We got ourselves some fun necessities from Victoria's Secret. It was fun helping a blushing man pick out goodies for his woman! :3
They didn't stay happy long. I guess running around Victoria's Secret with a bra gets old fast. :3 So they went home with some movies I brought them (Ponyo and Shaun the Sheep) and back to Daniels' work I went. I told him I was going home and off I went ... shivering all the way. Man it was freezing! I needed chaps and a leather jacket!
Though I brought my camera I never got pictures. *sigh* Maybe next time! Hopefully it will be warm then too.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
OSU Cozy

point though... about the O. It's a little malformed. Not as tall as the symbol. So I'm still working on it but, hay it still looks like a buckeye "thing" so I'm not to disappointed. Should I be? Nah!
Billy also wants me to make him a beanie with the Buckeye O and the leaves. Should be fun really. Hopefully I have the O down by then so all that hard work doesn't go to waist.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Trouper Soured
Thanks to my aversion to the cold and our nice snow storms we “rested” all winter. (Yes, I know it’s still winter here, wishful thinking!) Lack of training has however, given me plenty of time to read up on my mistakes. I say this because it’s 99.9% of the time rider error! Sorry just facts!
I’ve actually found a really good article that may just be our ticket. Cute title too. “Turn your Sour Horse Sweet” by Julie Wells. It was featured in September 1999 addition of Horse Illustrated.
Now I’ll be truthful here, Trouper is a stubborn horse and always has been. Unlike my baby Hershey who was green and listened to my ques Trouper fights at every turn. Well okay that’s a lie; he takes his bit no trouble. He’s gotten worse in his old age. He seems to be under the impression that just because he’s 24 he can be lazy and hang out eating all day. And like all men he doesn’t like being wrong. Mind you, men are not lazy. They go to great lengths to get their way. Trouper has proven this to me.
Where it all starts?
I get him saddled up and climb on … and he just stands there. Ears back (not pinned mind you. He’s listening to me and I’m sure laughing.) Very square western stance. Now my pa always said I was too soft on him and to kick him if he ignores me. Well that don’t work neither. All kicking does besides pissing him off it “deaden” him to my commands. So I stopped. I don’t own a crop because I never liked “wiping” my big brother (or anything for that matter, violence is bad! :3) so I’ve picked up using my reins as a whip. Not all that effective either. So I’m thinking of making an investment!
Obviously we need to start in the pasture. Right? That’s what ma said. I, however, was always convinced it was something else though. I got that idea because when riding bareback with only a lead line attached to the halter he listens (mostly). Go figure! That made me think it was the tack but nothing’s changed except him gaining a bit of weight which made his bit a little snug. I think now, that I sit better and more confidently bareback than I do in a saddle. The western hurts and the English is slippery.
Alright, so back to the article. 50 yards is not the distance when Trouper begins to act up, that depends on how he feels that day. Sometimes it’s in the paddock, sometimes the field, other times at the park. Sometimes I can even get him past the places he bulks … only to have him bulk somewhere else. For example last year he started fighting me in the paddock but when he realized he wasn’t winning he began to listen so we moved on heading towards the park only to have him spin and try to head home. Here I circled him around and kept him going in the direction of the park. After that he listened until we got to the other side of the park at which point he made a bronco proud. We had a nice little (I use this jokingly) rodeo. (Visual: running bucks, running, bucking, and heading home through it all) after that I took him home the long way (didn’t want him to think he won :p). Sadly the rodeo caused his front right pastern to swell. Though he wasn’t favoring it on our way home (thus I didn’t notice until I was untacking him) I hosed it down and watched for it to swell back up the next few days.
Now with that example the ‘what’s wrong’ I would guess to be “The Testy Horse”. In which case it says to do as ma said and that would be start with ground work and don’t let his hide get away with anything. So at least I’m on the right track. However, in a similar ride (we pretty much go through the park to get to the horse trail) he was trembling when we were going through the field. He tried to spin and head home but I got him turned back around. The tricky part was

So I figure he’s also got the case of “The Scaredy Cat” or “Rider-Induced Anxiety”. I can very much believe I’m going something wrong since I’ve never really had lessons officially. However, I’ve no way to test my skills on another horse since Trouper is an only child now that Hershey died. I may have to ask my neighbor (she has 7 horses that she does nothing with anymore thanks to her back surgery.) if I can ride one of her horses or ponies. Preferably Boomer because I’m no fan of her mares.
Trouper's Bio
Name: Bucks Copper Kettle
Birth: June 13, 1985
Height: 16.3 hh
Sex: Gelding
Breed: American Quarter Horse (with a smidge of Morgan on Dames side)
Description: Trouper is classified as a lovely buckskin. His coat glistens in the sun as spun gold: He’s sun kissed! :3 Brown eyes showing the depths of his soul, tiger stripes accent his withers and front legs as he sports two stockings on both hind legs. Blaze and cute dark spots on the tips of his ears are his face markings. It looks like his ears were dipped in the same color as his stripes. Trouper also has the typical dorsal strip that buckskins have.
For all his good looks he’s one ornery boy. Up until Hershey passed he had a friend and was nicer. The three of us had lots of fun frolicking in the pasture and when I would take Hershey out he’d flip out. He didn’t like being left alone. Now he’s a bit sad … and sour.
When Trouper and I try to ride alone he fights me (I’m such a push over he knows he can get away with it…until now) but in a group or at least with one other horse he listens as long as he’s in the lead. I’d take a gander he’s a herd leader. :) He knows his commands; both verbal and physical so I can neck rein him, use my legs or just speak the basics and presto! Of course that only applies when he’s willing. :(
He loves being groomed (but then what hos doesn’t?) and gives me his feet almost always with no fight. Sometimes though he just leans into me! I’ll pretend he’s being affectionate! :3
Trouper has smooth gaits until you try to trot him. Youch!
*note: Can be trusted to bring one home safely even when one has been drinking profusely. Like Shadow Fax! LOL! :3 He Brought my stepdad home (dog drunk) and just hung out in the yard until we woke up and put him away.
Hershey's Bio

Birth: Unknown Died: September 29, 2002 Cancer
Height: 15.2 hh
Sex: Gelding
Breed: Egyptian Arabian
Hershey was a docile, colicky pony. Many a time the vet had to be called because Trouper would break into the barn and the two of them would gorge themselves on grain. (Trouper with his iron gut would be fine.) Hershey was what you would call green, meaning he had no substantial training except what my folks taught him. (I’m not sure but my aunt may have worked with him some. She’s a trainer FYI.) However, that being said he listened to my commands (which I reinforced verbally when asking) and never fought me.
He was very tender in the mouth so I hardly ever used my reins. Him and Trouper were like night and day!
Hershey however was a product of careless owners. His dame and sire were brother and sister who were in the same paddock and he was born alone in the field. I was told the owner never knew she was with foal. I don’t get how that’s possible. Since the owner would never be able to sell him Hershey was given to my father (they was friends), thus I took him over. Pa was too tall a man to ride him comfortably.

Ah! To watch him run! It was like he flew. And when I rode him I believed we were flying; his gates were so smooth.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Drink Cozy
So these are two of three cozies that I made the other day. The blue says "Wanted" and the Yellow is "True Love", 'cause everyone knows that (to some people) coffee is their true love! :3 I'm funny I know!
What shall I say about these things? They are very fun to create and just too cute. It's fun to see the looks on peoples' faces when you slide on one of these little dolls after they had you the coffee (or cocoa). :3 Priceless!
*note: tax and shipping is included in the price.
Customizations are welcome...and wanted really!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Though it's sad that my hard work is now gone with nothing to show but the images I have taken my ego is inflating. I mean they loved it so much they just had to have it no matter the cost! To bad they didn't just ask cause I would have sold it to them cheap! :3 Hint hint! If anyone wants a cozy just ask via email